import random import time import pymysql import re host = '' # 连接名称,默认127.0.0.1 user = 'study' # 用户名 passwd = 'Bu!&Cre6h@pR%S' # 密码 port = 3306 # 端口,默认为3306 db = 'study' # 数据库名称 charset = 'utf8mb4' # 字符编码 quantity = 20 def test_link(): try: # 连接数据库 conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, db=db, charset=charset) # 连接成功 print("Connected to MySQL database successfully!") # 可以在此处执行数据库操作 # 关闭连接 conn.close() except pymysql.Error as e: # 连接失败,打印异常信息 print("Failed to connect to MySQL database:", e) time.sleep(3) exit(1) def detection_work_day(): conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, db=db, charset=charset) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('delete from Mistake WHERE Date != CURDATE();') cursor.execute('SELECT Date FROM Mistake WHERE Date = CURDATE();') rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows) < quantity: cursor.execute('SELECT English,Chinese FROM Work where frequency = 0;') work = cursor.fetchall() i = 0 works = [] while i < (quantity - len(rows)): test = random.choice(work) if test[0] not in works: English = test[0] Chinese = test[1] works.append(English) cursor.execute('insert into Mistake(English, Chinese)\n' f"values ('{English}','{Chinese}')") cursor.execute(f"update Work set frequency = frequency+1 where English='{English}'") conn.commit() i += 1 cursor.close() conn.close() def add_error(english): conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, db=db, charset=charset) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(f"update Work set erred = erred+1 where English='{english}'") conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() def read_work_day(): conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, db=db, charset=charset) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT English, Chinese FROM Mistake WHERE Date = CURDATE();') rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() return rows def study_day(work_day): i = 0 while i < quantity: print("-" * 20) print(f"第{i + 1}个") print("English\t:\t" + work_day[i][0]) print("Chinese\t:\t" + work_day[i][1]) print("-" * 20) j = 0 while j < 3: english = input("请输入单词:") chinese = input("请输入意思:") if english == work_day[i][0] and chinese == work_day[i][1]: print("输入正确") j += 1 else: if english != work_day[i][0]: print("单词输入错误") if chinese != work_day[i][1]: print("意思输入错误") j = 0 print(f"\n还需要输入{3 - j}次") i += 1 def detection_day(work_day): for i in range(quantity): pick = random.randint(1, 2) if pick == 1: print("-" * 20) print(f"第{i + 1}个") print("English\t:\t" + work_day[i][0]) print("-" * 20) Chinese = input("请输入意思:") if Chinese == work_day[i][1]: print("恭喜你答对了") else: print(f"正确答案应该是\t{work_day[i][1]}") add_error(work_day[i][0]) else: print("-" * 20) print(f"第{i + 1}个") print("Chinese\t:\t" + work_day[i][1]) print("-" * 20) English = input("请输入单词:") if English == work_day[i][0]: print("恭喜你答对了") else: print(f"正确答案应该是\t{work_day[i][0]}") add_error(work_day[i][0]) i += 1 def detection_random(): conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, db=db, charset=charset) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('select English,Chinese from Work') rows = cursor.fetchall() works = [] for _ in range(quantity): works.append(random.choice(rows)) cursor.close() conn.close() detection_day(works) def revise_work(): conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, port=port, db=db, charset=charset) chines_pick = re.compile(r'^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$') english_pick = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]+$') number_pick = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+$') cursor = conn.cursor() print("\n1.增加单词") print('2.删除单词') print('3.查询单词') pick = input("请输入:") match pick: case '1': English = input("请输入单词:") while not bool(english_pick.fullmatch(English)): English = input("请输入单词:") Chinese = input("请输入意思:") while not bool(chines_pick.fullmatch(Chinese)): Chinese = input("请输入意思:") try: cursor.execute('insert into Work(english, chinese)\n' f"values('{English}','{Chinese}')") except: cursor.execute(f"select English ,chinese from Work where English='{English}';") data = cursor.fetchall() if len(data) == 0: print("\n未知错误\n") else: print("\n数据已经存在") data = data[0] print(f"English:{data[0]}") print(f"Chinese:{data[1]}\n") else: conn.commit() print(f"\n添加成功 values('{English}','{Chinese}')\n") case '2': English = input("请输入单词:") while not bool(english_pick.fullmatch(English)): English = input("请输入单词:") cursor.execute(f"select English from Work where English='{English}';") data = cursor.fetchall() if len(data) == 0: print("\n没有查到此单词\n") else: cursor.execute(f"delete from Work where English='{English}';") conn.commit() print(f"\n{English}删除成功\n") case '3': English = input("请输入单词:") while not bool(english_pick.fullmatch(English)): English = input("请输入单词:") cursor.execute(f"select English ,chinese from Work where English='{English}';") data = cursor.fetchall() if len(data) == 0: print("\n没有查到此单词\n") else: for work in data: print(f"\nEnglish:{work[0]}") print(f"Chinese:{work[1]}\n") cursor.close() conn.close() test_link() detection_work_day() work_day = read_work_day() pick = 0 while pick != 'exit': print("1.每日学习") print("2.每日检测") print("3.随机检测") print("4.修改单词") print('exit 退出') pick = input("请输入需要进入的模式:") match pick: case '1': study_day(work_day) case '2': detection_day(work_day) case '3': detection_random() case '4': revise_work()